Health and Social Care Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 1 - Senedd



Meeting date:
19 January 2012


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Llinos Dafydd
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8403






1.   Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



2.   Public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities - oral evidence (09.30 - 10.15) (Pages 1 - 16)

Louise Hughes, lead petitioner, P-03-292 Public Toilet Provision

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 1


Graeme Francis, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Age Cymru

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 2


John Vincent, Welsh Senate for Older People

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 3



3.   Public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities - oral evidence (10.15 - 11.00) (Pages 17 - 34)

Mike Bone, Director, British Toilet Association

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 4


Gillian Kemp, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Network

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 5


Karen Logan, Nurse Consultant - Head of Continence Service, Aneurin Bevan Health Board



Break 11.00 – 11.05




4.   Public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities - oral evidence (11.05 - 11.50) (Pages 35 - 39)

Chris Brereton, Deputy Chief Environmental Health Adviser, Welsh Government

Dr Sara Hayes, Acting Deputy Chief Medical Officer (public health)

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 6



5.   Papers to note 




5a. Letter from the Children and Young People Committee - Neonatal services  (Page 40)

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 7





5b. Organ Donation White Paper - further information from Welsh Government officials  (Pages 41 - 44)

HSC(4)-07-09 paper 8a – Points of clarification following 8 December 2011 meeting

          HSC(4)-07-09 paper 8b – Dates of public meetings, January 2012


